We seek to LOVE God and others, GROW together in Christ and REACH the lost in His strength.
How does this look like at CRC Casey?
That each member is involved in the life of the church and in evangelism as circumstances allow in the following areas:
- Attending church services regularly.
- 85% of members in a Growth Group.
- Member of a one to one Bible-reading relationship (mentoring/discipleship).
- Serving in some way at church.
- Involved in some way in outreach (Craft, Playgroup, Op Shop, Transit, Kids Hope, Pakenham church plant, mission work).
- Our new auditorium at Narre Warren South used for corporate worship and community hire
- Our existing buildings renovated so that it is used every day of the week to reach our community around us.
We’d love to see the buildings used for activities that fit into our vision including but not limited to:
- Existing ministries: Craft outreach, Playgroup outreach, Op shop outreach
- New ministry possibilities: rented office space for counselling, family lawyers, tax and finance consultants, employment services, coffee shop, gym / personal training
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What’s happening
The following 2 strategy areas of “MAKE and GROW followers of Jesus” will help achieve the above:
MAKE followers of Jesus through
Reaching out:
- Ensure existing ministries and committees are supporting our vision and working on our 2 strategies.
- Encourage everyone to obey the Great Commission and share the good news of Jesus with others where God has placed them.
- Encourage members to be involved in an outreach ministry.
- Run Christianity Explored courses and encourage our members to invite non-Christian family and friends.
- Our visitors and new converts to attend our “Welcome to Casey” session(s) that explains our church, our doctrine, rights and responsibilities.
GROW followers of Jesus through
- Sunday gatherings: we meet to encourage each other, to really love each other, welcome and embrace visitors.
- Growth Groups: where small communities of people meet for worship, word and witness. We are looking to actively grow spiritually and physically, to training up leaders and to multiply these groups.
- Mentoring: 2-3 members listening to God speak to them through His Word, speaking back to Him in prayer and sharing their lives with each other.